Monday, December 7, 2009

Standardized Testing

One of the big educational debates recently has been about the value of standardized testing. It is easy to find a lot against it and fairly difficult to find a lot of defense (the benefits) in favor of it. Yet it is a fact that as teachers, we will be administering these tests. Whether or not we agree with the value of these tests, we will be required to prepare our students for them. Because of this, each teacher should best learn how to use these tests for the benefit of the student. Some of the strongest feelings arguing against standardized testing come from those teachers who aren't taking the opportunity to look for benefits or how they can use the results to help their students. I'm not saying whether I'm for or against standardized testing. I am saying that as long as teachers are required to prepare students to take these tests, they should do what they can to make it a beneficial experience. They can cling to their opinions while still making the best of the situation.
Here is a site that presents (in a question and answer format) the "For" and the "Against" side of the argument:

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